Wednesday, November 2, 2011

National Blog Posting Month

In my tour around blogland today, I discovered that it is National Blog Posting Month. Who knew there was even such a thing? :)

So I thought to myself, "Self, you should get back on track and post every day, which, you know, was the original plan." Looking back at my posts, I don't thing I've failed, per say, on my plan, but I didn't do as well as I wanted. But I'm gonna be pretty forgiving of myself on this one. ;)

With that said, this month I'm going to totally rock it and post every day. I love the idea of the little "contest." It's not really a contest, but I can't come up with a better word.

Today's prompt, according to the website is:

"If you knew that whatever you ate next would be your last meal, what would you want it to be?"

I'm going to have to go with Creamy Cheesy Enchiladas with Corn, Green Beans (my mom's--which has lots of delicious bacon), crescent rolls, and my Nana's Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies (but without the walnuts--I don't want to die of anaphalxis--oh wait, this is my last meal, well...I don't want to die of anaphalaxis) and Breyer's Vanilla Bean Ice cream, and moist chocolate cake with whipped icing.

Wait, a second, now I really want Cream Enchiladas. I think I just might make this for dinner Friday, when I actually have time to cook. mmmmmmm....I'm hungry.

Alrighty. I also want to do the prompt from yesterday since I missed it:

"What is your favourite part about writing?"

I've rediscovered my love of writing this year. I really enjoyed writing when I was a kid--and I secretly loved writing the "annoying" papers we had to write in high school. In college, I wrote a lot of technical, science-y type of stuff--which I really enjoyed. I loved doing the research and organizing my thoughts so everything flowed and was cohesive. I always felt a very strong sense of accomplishment when I was finished with my papers. Since I left college, I have missed that sense of fulfillment.

This year I decided that I wanted to start writing again. But I wanted to document my life. As I said toward the beginning of the year, I'm not that great at journaling, but I thought if I did it this way, with pictures, I'd be more inclined to do so. And I think I've been pretty good at staying on top of it. :)

So I think my favorite part of writing anything outside of technical research papers, is the ability to express my creativity in a different direction than I do when I do crafty stuff. I also love editing what I've already written. I think I almost like that part better than the actual writing. I love picking just the right words to express what I am thinking. Sometimes, okay, lots of times, I have a really hard time coming up with words when I am talking to someone. But when I write, I find it easier and less stressful to do that. I know that I can find the right words and if I can't, then I can come back to it.

And if I'm talking about my actual ability to string words in to a sentance that makes sense, I have to give a shout out to my high school english teacher, Mr. Newton. He taught me how to write, and write reasonably well. Without his guidance, I would still be writing sentances that were way too long, didn't make any sense, and had nothing to do with anything.  :)

I believe that the power of words is significant and I hope that someday, I can inspire someone to do and be something awesome with my words. I've had others to that for me and I am eternally grateful for that and so I hope that I can pass it forward. :)

Okay. Day 2 of my grateful list.

Today I am grateful for my sense of taste. Today I ate a hamburger. I haven't eaten a hamburger in probably four or five months. And it was amazingly delicious. Yesterday I also had a delicious lunch. I love delicious food and I am very grateful for my sense of taste so I can enjoy eating. It brings awesomeness and happiness to my life. :)

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