So it was a busy and special day for them! Mom has pictures, but I don't yet so I'll post them once I get them.
As I explained yesterday, to celebrate, I volunteered to throw a party for them. Cait didn't want it to be a party for them, but an Easter party. So I compromised and said it was for both. She wasn't having it, so I said it was an Easter party. But in my heart, it was for them. And in everyone's hearts too.
Everyone said that the sealing was wonderful and that Nick was hilarious. Apparently when the sealer told him to look at Caitlin, not him, Nick said, "Not a problem." And then when the sealer had them stand in front of the Eternity mirrors, the sealer said, "Nick, who do you see more of?" Nick said, "Caitlin." The sealer said, "Is there a lesson in that?" Nick's response: "Indeed." Considering that Nick is generally a man of few words, it was really funny.
My mom said that everyone in the sealing room was crying. Everyone, but Caitlin. Of course. She says that she was born without tear ducts. Or that they malfunctioned when she was a kid or something. I think she is right. :)
So on to the party and the food. Apparently, I didn't really care that there were people there because I only got pictures of the food. My bad.
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About half of the spread. The food was all so yummy, if I do say so myself. And that's my cousin Cresta-Lynn in the background. |
It was really fun too, because my Aunt Liz (my dad's sister) drove down with Mom and Nana to come to the sealing. (She lives a couple of miles away from them in Nampa). She stayed with her sister, my Aunt Becky, in Reno, but came down for the day. It was so fun to see and spend a little time with them.
After the festivities started to die down a little, I convinced my mom to come out and admire my beautiful new car that she still hadn't seen. My aunties came out to admire too. And Cait, always wanting to be the center of attention (not really) decided that at that very moment she wanted to make sure that the emergency handle in the back of my trunk worked. So we opened it up and she climbed in. And lucky for her (and her husband) it did.
Here she is saying, "Ta Da!" like it was some magic trick or something. :)
And the family watched "Tangled" twice during the party. The second time I actually sat down and watched the first 15 minutes, but then my Aunties showed up so I didn't see the rest. So I still haven't seen it. Boo. That's okay though, I finally saw Harry Potter tonight at the "After Party" at Cait's. Awesome movie!!
So it was a very busy day and everyone but Steven was exhausted by the end (actually by the middle, but we survived till the end). Exhausting, but super fun and AWESOME! Like, totally.
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