Sunday, October 23, 2011

A Review: Rearview Mirror

Yesterday I received a copy of Review Mirror from the author, Stephanie Black.
Um, yeah, I already finished it. Actually I finished it this morning at about 1:00am. It was that good! 

The story is about Fiona Claridge, a college professor in a small New England town. When Fiona was in college, she was driving her roommate to the airport in a storm, lost control of the car, and was in a serious car accident, killing her roommate, Mia, and seriously injuring Fiona.

The story opens with a murder (isn't that how all good mysteries start?) with an unknown assailant. And then introduces Fiona and fellow professor, James Hampton. Fiona begins receiving terrible "gifts" from an unknown person reminding her of her horrifying past.

Another murder happens later in the book that shocked me. There were 316 pages of twists and turns that left me reeling. I kept thinking that I knew who the bad guy was, but I kept being wrong--the sign of a good book! There was one part where a character showed up unexpectedly in a car and I actually freaked out and jumped in shock and fright. :) Awesome! And I couldn't put the book down until I knew that the person behind the terror was exposed and dealt with--thus staying up til 1:00am to finish it! Good thing I could sleep in this morning. :)
I'm a big reader and I've read a lot of LDS fiction and I have to say that I really enjoyed this book. And I'll read it again--which is saying something. I definitely recommend the book if you are looking for a mystery-thriller-little romance book! 

update on 10/27/2011: my sister, Cait, borrowed the book on Tuesday night and just finished it. She loved it too! :)

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